Search Results for 'E-meter'
4 results found.
€500 fine for tampered with ESB meter
A man was convicted and fined €500 by Judge Mary Devins at Ballina District Court on Tuesday, after an ESB meter in his home was discovered by an ESB technician to have been tampered with.
Man did not know danger of tampering with ESB meter
A man did not know the dangers of tampering with an ESB meter, Ballina District Court heard.
Woman before court for hole drilled in ESB meter
A married mother of seven was before Ballina District Court on Tuesday for unlawfully interfering with an electricity meter.
ESB meter had hole drilled through it
A 53-year-old woman was before Castlebar District Court on Wednesday as an ESB meter in her home was discovered to have been tampered with which stopped electricity used being registered.