Search Results for 'Computer virus'

9 results found.

The virus that will not go away

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You wake up one morning feeling hot and tired. You blame the weather, overdoing it at work, and staying up too late. You somehow get through the day but by evening you are beginning to wilt. By now, you have a full blown fever and feel exhausted.

How we dry our hands can affect the spread of viruses

There is clear evidence that people across Europe have changed their hand hygiene habits since the Covid-19 pandemic: washing their hands more frequently throughout the day and choosing paper towels as the most hygienic way to dry hands when out and about.

How we dry our hands can affect the spread of viruses

There is clear evidence that people across Europe have changed their hand hygiene habits since the Covid-19 pandemic: washing their hands more frequently throughout the day and choosing paper towels as the most hygienic way to dry hands when out and about.

Galway company launches new anti-virus disinfectant

Galway company Hygeia, based in Oranmore has launched a new anti-viral disinfectant which is effective against a broad spectrum of viruses and works within five minutes.

All-Ireland approach needed to combat Corona virus, says Farrell

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The coronavirus neither recognises nor respects borders, meaning an all-Ireland approach to combating the illness is required, according to Galway West Sinn Féin TD, Mairead Farrell.

Keep up to date with the latest travel advice on zika virus

Irish people are being advised to take appropriate precautions if visiting Central and South America and the Caribbean. The advice comes in the wake of the World Health Organisation’s declaration of the zika virus as a public health emergency of international concern.

Mayo child wins HSE and Science Week competition

A pupil from Mayo was one of the competition winners of some 2,000 children from around the country who designed their own superbug posters to highlight the importance of keeping their hands clean and preventing the spread of infections. Setánta O Nuailain, a third class pupil attending Gailscoil na Cruaiche in Westport, won for his poster entitled ‘Iris the Virus’.

Gardaí warn of computer scam

Gardaí are warning the public of a computer scam which misuses police logos in an attempt to extract money from victims by locking them out of their computers and asking them to pay a fine in order to get the computer unlocked.

Lee Kavanagh & Associates IT Services

Is your computer running slow?


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