Search Results for 'Access Officer'
4 results found.
Big business comes to Galway schools

GMIT made the future look a lot brighter for almost 100 students from secondary schools in Galway, when they visited the Third Level Institute recently. The students were taking part in the Junior Achievement Ireland Enterprise Challenge project, supported by the GMIT Access office, under The Dormant Accounts (Educational Disadvantage) Fund for the development of access services in Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.
Big business comes to Galway schools

GMIT made the future look a lot brighter for almost 100 students from secondary schools in Galway, when they visited the Third Level Institute recently. The students were taking part in the Junior Achievement Ireland Enterprise Challenge project, supported by the GMIT Access office, under The Dormant Accounts (Educational Disadvantage) Fund for the development of access services in Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.
Disability information and services open day

Plans are under way for what is hoped will be another successful Services and Information Open Day to support people with disabilities, which will take place this year at the Mullingar Park Hotel on Friday October 22. This event is going from strength to strength each year and this is the third time an event of its kind has been organised.
Hidden treasure highlights access issues in Kilkenny
Kilkenny Access Group will host a treasure hunt this Saturday in a bid to raise awareness about access issues in Kilkenny.