Search Results for '116 123'

30 results found.

‘We’re here for you this Christmas’ is message from Galway Samaritans

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Public buildings and businesses are urged to light up in green for the Longest Night on December 21. Samaritans in Galway are calling on the public to support its Longest Night campaign which reminds those struggling to cope that its helpline is open during their darkest hours this Christmas.

‘Night Owl’ volunteers are now wanted by Athlone and Midland Samaritans

Athlone and Midlands Samaritans are launching a major volunteer recruitment campaign to encourage Night Owls to become involved and help to change people’s lives.

Castlebar Samaritans launch their service on Thomas Street

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Castlebar Samaritans, the latest addition to the Samaritan network will be officially launched in 21 Upper Thomas St., Castlebar on Monday, August 28 at 5.30pm.

The long dark shadow

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Private James Barry was posted as a sentry at the barrack gate in Castlebar on the night of 13 May 1830. When darkness descended, he tied a long handkerchief to the trigger of his musket. He then tied the other end to the gate bolt, put the muzzle to his chest and stepped backwards. The shot passed through his heart and exited through his spine. The inquest found Barry suffered from temporary insanity occasioned by 'fatal love'.

Athlone Midland Samaritans to participate in Charlie Bird Hand of Friendship Walk

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Volunteers from Athlone Midland Samaritans will mark a special Charlie Bird Hand of Friendship Walk next month by participating in solidarity in Lough Key Forest Park, Co Roscommon.

Athlone and Midland Samaritans are here for you this Christmas season

Athlone and Midland Samaritans are reminding those in need that their helpline will be open during their darkest hours if they are lonely or struggling to cope this Christmas.

"We’re here for you” says Samaritans as charity urges people to reach out

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Volunteers raise awareness of round-the-clock emotional support services to encourage people to get in touch if they need support

Dairy sector driving rural Samaritans campaign

Ireland’s dairy sector is driving a rural mental health campaign by featuring Samaritans’ helpline signage on milk tankers travelling across the countryside.

Mind your mental health over the festive period

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says - but for many, Christmas can be tough for a number of reasons.

Galway Samaritans - the power of human connection

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At Galway Samaritans we understand the value of talking and the power of human connection. Just talking to another person can help someone to stop, breathe and start to see a way through their problems. If you’re going through a tough time, you do not have to face it alone.


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