Search Results for '087 055 5155'

5 results found.

I’ve Got a Crush on You?

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I love aromatic plants. What’s an aromatic plant? Well, I think of it as a plant you have to do something to in order for it to release its aroma. So you have to crush the leaves or stems or possibly even tread on it, in order to appreciate its unique fragrance. This is in contrast to scented plants, usually with scented flowers – roses, jasmine or sweet peas for instance – that release their scent into the air without any input from humans. But an aromatic plant makes you work that little bit harder – you have to get up close and personal and engage with the plant in order to appreciate the scent it has to offer, unless you’re in a very sunny climate in which case the sun will draw the aromatic oils from the plant.

At last...some rain for the soil!

Although it was lovely to bask in the glorious and seemingly endless sun shine of early summer this year, the rain that we’ve had was well overdue and now we need more of it!

Lawn pests with Greenhand — the leatherjacket

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The leatherjacket is the larvae of the daddy longlegs or crane fly. The adult flies lay their eggs in the grass in the autumn and the resulting grubs live and grow under the soil, feeding on the roots of the grass, until they are ready to emerge as fully grown daddy longlegs the following summer.

You can have a lovely lawn

With the sun shining and the weather warming up, it is time to think about stepping outdoors and making the most of the garden. Maybe you have a special event on the horizon where a beautiful lawn would add to the splendour of the occasion, or perhaps you would just like to light the barbecue, sit back sipping something cold, and look out over a beautiful weed-free lawn while the sausages and burgers sizzle on the grill.

You can have a lovely lawn

With the sun shining and the weather warming up, it is time to think about stepping outdoors and making the most of the garden. Maybe you have a special event on the horizon where a beautiful lawn would add to the splendour of the occasion, or perhaps you would just like to light the barbecue, sit back sipping something cold, and look out over a beautiful weed-free lawn while the sausages and burgers sizzle on the grill.


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