At last...some rain for the soil!

Although it was lovely to bask in the glorious and seemingly endless sun shine of early summer this year, the rain that we’ve had was well overdue and now we need more of it!

The lawns are not in the best shape at the moment, the grass has been dormant for weeks with no noticeable growth and more drought resistant weeds have had free reign to flourish and to spread.

Thankfully grass is resilient and with just a little rain water it will start to green up and recover when our “normal” weather returns. The return of the rain brings a little growth and it’s the perfect time to apply a feed and a selective weed killer to the lawn.

Daisies, dandelions, buttercups not to mention self-heal (a small purple weed with heart shaped leaves ) all thrive during the summer months and can quickly spoil the look of the finest tended lawn.

Weed killer is available at most garden centres and even some supermarkets will stock them, but if you’re unsure about how to apply them or would simply prefer a professional to do the job for you, contact the team at greenhand lawn treatments and leave the rest to them.

To take the next step to a beautiful lawn with a highly effective and affordable lawn treatment service contact the experts. Book your free analysis by calling Jean on 098 39155 or 087 055 5155 or find them on Facebook under greenhand lawn treatment services.


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