West Mayo - Community Diary

Tea dance for Meals on Wheels

Soroptomist International Castlebar is hosting a tea dance in aid of Castlebar Social Services Meals on Wheels on Thursday, March 8, in Castlebar Celtic's clubhouse. The tea dance will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm, admission is €5 and everyone is welcome.

IWA volunteers needed in Castlebar

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA ) in Castlebar is urgently looking for volunteers to help out as drivers and care assistants in the IWA centre. Call Martina on (087 ) 6789843 for further information.

Bri brain injury support meeting

The next Bri brain injury support meeting will take place on Thursday, March 8, in the Le Cheile Family Resource Centre, Tucker Street, Castlebar, from 7.30pm to 9pm.

St Angela's Castlebar quiz

The parents association of St Angela's national school in Castlebar is holding a table quiz to raise funds for the school's IT systems. The quiz will take place in Rocky's bar at 8.30pm and a great night's fun is in store.

Blood donation clinic in Westport

A blood donation clinic will take place in the Castlecourt Hotel in Westport from Tuesday, March 13, to Thursday, March 15. The clinic will be in operation from 5pm to 8.30pm on all three evenings.

Westport beekeepers

Westport beekeepers meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 8pm in the Teagasc building on the Newport Road in Westport. New members always welcome, the next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 6, with guest speaker Keith Pierce.

Castlebar Active Retirement

The Castlebar Active Retirement group meets on Wednesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm in the Social Services Centre. The committee has arranged a number of events that will take place in the coming weeks, including 10-pin bowling, wellness talks, outings and excursions, and more. New members are always welcome.

Westport Arts Festival AGM

The AGM of Westport Arts Festival will take place on Thursday, March 22, in the Seán Staunton room in Westport Town Hall at 7.30pm.

Assertiveness talk in Castlebar

The Family Centre in Castlebar will hold a talk on assertiveness and communication presented by Jannah Walshe on Monday, March 5, from 7pm to 9pm. The talk will deal with the following topics: (1 ) What is assertiveness? (2 ) What stops us standing up for ourselves when we are being treated poorly or taken for granted? (3 ) How can we learn to communicate better? The cost of the talk is €10 and payment can be made on the night.

Heartfulness meditation and relaxation sessions in Castlebar

All are welcome at any of three free meditation and relaxation sessions which will be held on Wednesday, March 7, Wednesday, March 14, and Wednesday, March 21, from 7pm to 8pm in the Mayo Education Centre. For more information log on to www.heartfulness.ie or call (094 ) 9020700 to book your place.


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