GMIT Mayo to host 'Finding your way to education' event for migrants

GMIT Mayo will host ‘Finding Your Way to Education’, an information day for new Irish who are trying to navigate the Irish education system, on Friday, February 23, from 2pm to 5pm in their Mayo campus.  

The keynote address by Dr Kathy Reilly (NUIG ) will consider access to education amongst migrant groups with particular emphasis on the West of Ireland. In research undertaken with Dr Valerie Ledwith, Kathy will outline her research on the migrant educational experiences in Galway City and urban-fringe; focusing specifically on issues of educational attainment, achievement and aspiration.

Dr Deirdre Garvey (GMIT ), will deliver a talk titled, ‘Navigating the Irish Education system’ which will include an outline of the National Framework of Qualifications and will highlight pathways for progression.

Throughout the afternoon, stands from a variety of educational providers will be available for one to one advice, and sessions around Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL ) will also be delivered. The final session will include a question and answers session with students and graduates of third- level education who have managed to successfully navigate the system.

Dr Davy Walsh, lecturer on the Outdoor Education and Social Care programmes, GMIT Mayo, says: “The event is particularly aimed at refugees and asylum seekers who are looking to access third-level education courses; or indeed anyone who feels lost or disempowered because they have no Leaving Certificate or their previous qualifications are not recognized. Education is such a powerful tool when it comes to integration. We hope that this event will empower people who currently feel disempowered.”

The event is funded by the Department of Justice & Equality, and run in conjunction with GMIT and MIA (Mayo Intercultural Action group ).


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