Award winning modular home business relocates to Swinford

Swinford is to become the new headquarters of an up and coming company that will bring business with strong potential for significant job creation to the town.

Big Red Barn designs and manufactures a wide range of the most innovative modular structures on the world market. It offers a full turnkey solution for the event hire market. Already the Big Red Barn has a presence in the UK and has manufactured products for Hinkley Power Station.

Advances have also been made into the USA where Big Red Barn modular home has created a strong interest in the housing sector.

Big Red Barn’s relocation of its head office and manufacturing base to the P&D Business Park on the Foxford Road just 1km from the town is imminent.

With construction near completion the young award winning entrepreneur Donal Byrne should have his team of nine on site next week where they will start to upscale the already busy enterprise.

The modular home is the latest product to be added to the Big Red Barn Range. Each structure is custom designed and built. All roofs, walls, and floors are highly insulated and the windows are AA plus double glazed. There is a 25 year guarantee and the entire structure can be erected in just one day.

Many people will be familiar with the Big Red Barn as the structure that hosts concerts and festivals from prominent national events such as Electric Picnic and Marley Park, to regional local events like Kiltimagh’s Coillte Come Home Fest and the Ballyhaunis Rugby Club Gala.

Another popular structure which is part of Big Red Barn is the Little White Chapel, which received more than 40,000 hits on Facebook this week when the Irish Post newspaper featured it on its Facebook page. The little white chapel is a beautiful Little House on the Prairie style building and is a mobile demountable structure that can be erected and prepared anywhere in a day. It is an imaginative venue ideal for weddings, and for a range of celebrations and events.

Big Red Barn plans to have an official launch of its new premises shortly in its new home in Swinford. The new premises will also contain a show house for its products and a modular home will be on site, a chance for people to view how you can have a very reasonably priced customised home in a matter of months.

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