Ring approves €79k for south Mayo and Castlebar projects through LEADER

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, this week approved LEADER funding of €79,250 for communities and businesses in south Mayo and Castlebar. These projects were selected by the Mayo LEADER Local Action Group and approved by Minister Ring.

Minister Ring said: “I’m delighted to have approved support for these projects which will provide a social and economic benefit to south Mayo and Castlebar. This year 26 individual projects have been allocated a total of €958,000 in Mayo under the LEADER programme.”

The following projects received funding: (1 ) Ballinrobe Agricultural Show Ltd has been allocated €6,000 for safety barriers, sheep pens, poultry cages, and collapsible tables for exhibits; (2 ) Ballinrobe Family Resource Centre Ltd has been allocated €11,150 for the Luisne Travels from the Heart exhibition; (3 ) Emotioncubes in Claremorris has been allocated €9,350 to develop a website and produce a DVD and a manual to help mental health practitioners; (4 ) Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar has been allocated more than €30,000 for sound and lighting equipment; and (5 ) Nigel O'Reilly Goldsmith Ltd has been allocated €22,750 for the relocation and fit out of the company from Straide to Castlebar, allowing the business to expand and create further employment.

Minister Ring concluded: “This will be very welcome news for rural businesses and communities that are seeking investment. The approval of this project means that over 550 LEADER projects have been approved across the country for funding of €14.6 million. The LEADER programme is well and truly up and running and I expect that it will grow rapidly in 2018.”


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