Open weekend at Renault dealerships

Renault Ireland has announced details of its upcoming open weekend, “The Renault Rendezvous”.

It will take place from Friday (February 20 ) until Monday (February 23 ) at local Renault dealerships where customers can avail of a range of cars at competitive prices. As part of the “Rendezvous” Renault Ireland has extended its popular “Cash-Back” offer. This offer allows customers to strike a deal with the sales team in their local dealership for a new vehicle. Once that deal is done and the paperwork is signed Renault Ireland will give the customer up to €4,000 cash back, depending on the model.

Renault Ireland will also run a competition over the course of the “Rendezvous” to win one of Renault’s popular Koleos Royale crossover vehicles. Any person taking a test drive in the Koleos over the weekend will be entered into a draw, which will take place on March 6.


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