Men on the Move” The Best Move You Will Ever Take!

Are you aged 30 or over ,male and not very physically active? Do you want to feel fitter, have fun, have more energy and meet new people? If you do why not get involved in the Men on the Move at the nearest location to you in Mayo.

Men on the Move is an activity programme which is aimed at men aged 30 and over to get them active, have fun and improve fitness levels. It involves weekly/twice weekly activity sessions which are leader led.  You don’t need to be fit to take part- the training sessions are structured so that you can find the level appropriate for you to join and progress your fitness at a pace to suit you! First established in 2012 in three areas, Men on the Move is now available in 9 locations across Mayo. Indeed Men on the Move has extended to other counties including Galway, Clare, Cork, Dublin, Donegal, Kilkenny, Westmeath, Meath and Waterford.

The programme locally is a joint initiative by Mayo Sports Partnership and HSE West. It is also Supported by Croí, Mid West Radio, Local Athletic Clubs, GAA and soccer clubs,  Family Resource Centres and Mens Sheds Groups

How can I get involved? A number of information meetings are taking place at nine locations across the county on the week beginning October 17. See below list of meetings with details of venue, date, time and leader.  Select the venue nearest you and come along and get your body mass index measured, obtain information on healthy eating / exercise and sign up to an eight week activity programme. Sessions will be led by a qualified leader and will be suitable to people of all ages and abilities.

To register your interest contact Mayo Sports Partnership on (094 ) 9047025 or Text your name and what venue you are attending to the leader for each area. Please note that after an initial taster class there will be a small cost per session to cover costs / overheads.  Why not give it a go!


Monday 17th Oct at 7.30pm   Belmullet Civic Centre

Contact: Michelle Healy (087 ) 7646710


Tuesday 18th Oct at 7.30pm Ballina Family Resource Centre

Contact: Taragh Cosgrove 087-6471919


Tuesday 18th at 7pm  Crossmolina GAA Centre

Contact: Shane Keane 083 3030613


Tues 18th  Oct at 7.30pm Westport GAA Clubhouse

Contact: Barry Mc Loughlin 087 6627871


Wednesday 19th Oct  Halla Acla at 8pm

Contact : Caroline Mc Loughlin 083 4622082


Wednesday  19th Oct at 7.45pm An Sportlann Castlebar

Contact: Taragh Cosgrove 087-6471919


Wed 19th Oct at 7.30pm Swinford Library & Cultural Centre

Contact: Geraldine Finn  086-8105964


Thurs 20th Oct at 7.30pm Claremorris GAA Clubhouse

Contact: Mayo Sports Partnership 094 9047025


 Thursday 20th Oct at 7.30pm Community Grounds

Contact: Geraldine Finn 086-8105964


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