Community news from around the County.

Swinford Camera Club

The 2016-2017 Camera Club season begins on Wednesday, September 21. Swinford Camera Club meetings resume again from the third Wednesday in September. As always new members are very welcome to join the club. Swinford Camera Club is a friendly, helpful and very welcoming group. We meet every first and third Wednesday evening at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. Why not come along to a meeting?

Volunteers needed

Enable Ireland Mayo Services urgently require volunteers in all areas of Mayo to work with children with disabilities. Their volunteers usually work one-to-one with a child with a disability within their homes but also within their community and at their service centre. Roles may vary to meet the needs of the child and also the needs of the child’s family. One-to-one work may involve assisting with social outings in the community, centre-based support, bus driving, assisting with hydrotherapy in the swimming pool, creating a one-to-one buddy system and helping in the child’s home or at various sporting and social activities. Full training is provided. If you are interested please contact Helen at (087 ) 2163971 or email [email protected] with any queries or to receive an application form. Volunteering with Enable Ireland Mayo Services is very beneficial for people who are interested in this area and for students who are eager to gain some practical experience.

New Macra na Feirme Club

Three Lakes Macra (area around Lough Corrib, Lough Mask and Lough Carra ) are holding an Information evening on Friday, September 23 at 9pm in the Crann Mor Centre, Ballinrobe for anyone interested in joining a Macra club in the South Mayo area. If you are aged between 17 and 35 and fancy trying something new, then why not join Macra. Activities include sports, social nights, public speaking, travel, debating, quizzes, drama, comedy - there is something for everyone and you can do as much or as little as you like! All welcome to attend.

Introduction to Digital Photography

Photographer Keith Heneghan will be teaching a class ‘Introductory Digital Photography’ at Balla Community Centre this Autumn/Winter. Classes commence on Thursday, September 29 from 7pm to 8pm for six weeks. Term fees €50. For further information contact [email protected] or (087 ) 6811228.

Get started on Computers

Jobseekers and people in part-time employment who want to improve their typing skills and learn how to use the internet, set up emails etc can avail of free training in the Library and Cultural Centre, Swinford on September 26. The training will run for two hours each week for six weeks and must be pre-booked by contacting Dolores McNicholas at (087 ) 7704251 or email [email protected] This training is delivered by Mayo North East and is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme.

Western Care All Ireland final tickets raffle

Western Care Association is raffling two Cusack Stand Premium Level tickets for Sunday’s All Ireland Final, sponsored by Eir EXCLUSIVELY online. To enter go to The cost of entry is €5 per entry, the draw will take place this Friday at 5pm. The two winners will be notified immediately by phone. All proceeds from this draw will go to support Western Care Association local services

Digital media course in Ballyhaunis

Beginners Digital Media computer classes to be held Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre commencing Wednesday, September 21. The course lasts for eight weeks and it will be two hours per session per week. Places limited book early. The times of the classes will be 10am to 12pm, 2pm to 4pm. Contact Tracey McDermott (094 ) 9630031 for further details.

Cara Iorrais AGM

Cara Iorrais will be holding their AGM on Friday, September 30 at 12pm in the Cara Iorrais House, Church Street, Belmullet. All Welcome.

Try mini-rugby with Claremorris Colts

It’s up and running – the new rugby season has begun and Claremorris Colts RFC is extending an open invitation to boys and girls from under 7 (born 2010 ) to under 12 (born 2005 ) to join it’s training sessions over the next two Saturdays, September 17 and 24. Please arrive by 10am (with gum shields ) for the session, which concludes at 11:15 am. More details on or call Robert on (087 ) 7411619 or Annette on (087 ) 2204123.

Meditation for UN International Peace Day

All welcome to come along and learn Heartfulness Relaxation and Meditation at the Foxford Meditation Centre. Sessions will take place at 11am, 3.30pm, and 7pm on UN International Peace Day, September 21. Join them, free of charge, at any of these times. No experience necessary. Refreshments will be provided. Group meditation takes place at the Centre every Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday at 9am. Beginners welcome. Contact Fionnuala on (086 ) 0700681

Prof Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh to speak in Claremorris Library

The Claremorris branch of Conradh na Gaeilge in association with Mayo County Council Library and Claremorris 1916 Memorial Committee will host a lecture in Irish entitled “1916-2016: Cad tá á chomóradh agus cén fáth?” by Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Professor Emeritus of History NUIG, in Claremorris Library on Thursday, September 22 at 8 pm. All are welcome.

Baby Massage Classes

Baby massage classes are starting in Ballina FRC on Monday, September 19 from 10.30am to 12.30pm. To book or for more info contact Yvonne at (087 ) 9593935.

Ballina Women’s Heritage Shed

The Ballina Women’s Heritage Shed group meets every Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm in the Ballina Training Centre, Mercy Road, Ballina. The group looks forward to welcoming new members.

Castlebar Order of Malta

The Order of Malta Ambulance Corps in Castlebar are currently recruiting new volunteers. Full training is provided which includes first aid responder and manual and patient handling. Volunteer with the towns leading provider of voluntary ambulance and first aid services. Call (087 ) 7074514 for info on upcoming new members course

Cash for clobber at Ballina FRC

If you are clearing out your home please drop the clothes, shoes, bags etc into the Ballina Family Resource Centre Abbey Street Ardnaree, they are doing a Cash for Clobber as a Fundraiser for the Centre, your support would be greatly appreciated. For more info call (096 ) 75573. If you need bags we have some in the centre, just drop in and collect them.

Mayo Male Voice Choir back in full swing

Rehearsals for Mayo Male Voice Choir begin at 7.45pm on Thursday evenings in GMIT. If you are male and have considered joining a choir, now could be the right time for you. In MMVC you will receive a genuine welcome and September is definitely the month to join. This year is the added carrot that the choir are preparing for their trip to Llanelli in Wales in April 2017. Details of this trip are available on the website So, go on, get off the couch and make the first step by calling Adrian on (086 ) 0770338 for further details.

Tai Chi from Mayo Cancer Support Association

Mayo Cancer Support Association are running Tai Chi Classes in Ballina Family Resource on Tuesdays at 10.30am to 11.30am and every Tuesday thereafter for a six week programme. If interested please call Jean on (094 ) 9038407.

Croagh Patrick walking festival

The Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail Autumn Walking Festival is taking place over three days from September 23 to 25. There will be a number of different walks for walkers of differing abilities. For more information contact the Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail office at (094 ) 9030687, email [email protected], or see

Counselling services at Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre

Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre are pleased to announce that we are now offering a counselling service. Are you dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, loss, bereavement, trauma, life transitions? Limited places available to book your free appointment please call (087 ) 1762584.

Taoist tai chi

Taoist tai chi reduces stress and calms the mind and helps with a wide range of health conditions. New beginners class starts in the Social Services Centre, Castle street Car Park, Castlebar, on Tuesday morning September 20 at 10am. Contact Tom on (087 ) 6709128 for more information


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