Batafada hosts first Culture Night event in Burren School

Arts and Cultural events will be taking place in venues all across Ireland as part of Culture Night on Friday, September 16. For the first time Batafada will host an event in Burren School, only a few miles outside Castlebar. They are delighted to be part of this national initiative and will be opening their doors to the whole community to celebrate and experience local arts and culture.

This free event will start with a Samba Workshop at 8pm (suitable from ages eight to 80 ) and will be followed by an informal music session for you, your family and friends to enjoy. Local musicians, writers, dancers and entertainers are most welcome to join them. It is a chance to meet neighbours and friends in an informal social gathering, to listen to music and to enjoy a chat and a cuppa. So please save the date and spread the word. They look forward to seeing you there.


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