Enterprise Ireland €200k feasibility fund to support next generation of agri-business in Ireland

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, recently launched a new Enterprise Ireland Competitive Feasibility Fund for agri-businesses. The fund, which can provide up to €25,000 per initiative, is aimed at stimulating innovative start-ups and creating jobs and growth in the agri-business sector.

The fund will open for applications from entrepreneurs and early stage start-up companies on Tuesday August 23, and will close on Tuesday September 6. The purpose of the competitive feasibility fund is to enable promoters to assess the viability and market potential of their business ideas. Enterprise Ireland is seeking to support business ideas that are likely to achieve significant growth within three to four years, with sales of €1m+ per annum and employment of 10 or more.

The fund is open to applications from individuals, early stage companies, or prospective businesses operating in the agri-business sector including: machine design and manufacturing; fabrication; engineering and technical activities; life sciences products with application in the agri-sector; farm related software and related services; vet-pharma; animal health and chemical products.  Early stage food companies with the potential to export are also encouraged to apply.

Full details of the fund, including application form, are available on the Enterprise Ireland website www.enterprise-ireland.com/AgriFund


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