Wellness in Your Sport seminar next week

Wellness in Your Sport is an evening of short talks by three experts, Caroline Brosnihan (nutritionist to the Mayo senior team ), Andrew O'Brien (physiotherapist and keen runner ), and the keynote speaker will be consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, Paul O'Grady, on Wednesday June 8 at 7.30pm in the Tennis Club in Castlebar.

Admission is €10 and tickets are avilable at the door. Topics covered will include, training and diet and maximising performance, running form and technique, and drills to maximise efficiency and prevent injury, and common sports injuries, their treatment and prevention. The event is part of The Longest Day challenge fundraising efforts by a group who have taken on the challenge to cycle to and climb the three mountains of Mayo, Mweelrea, Nephin, and Croagh Patrick. All exercise enthusiasts welcome, tickets on the door. See The Longest Day Challenge on Facebook for more information.


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