Every week we break down for you the events that are taking place in your community
Breaffy GAA Health and Well-being activites
Breaffy GAA club will be hosting a number of health and well-being activities in the club. On Monday's at 9pm fittness classes will take place in the clubhouse, on Tuesday's at 7.45pm there will be a walk around the area, starting at the club house and on Sunday's at 8pm there will be a walk around the track at the pitch. At 7am from Monday to Friday, there will be a walk around the track at the club every morning.For more information contact Helen Heneghan, Health and Well-being officer on (087 ) 9438804
Blood donation
A blood donation clinic will take place on Tuesday, May 24, Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26 in the Castlecourt Hotel, Westport from 5pm to 8.30pm each day. For more information log on to www.giveblood.ie
Heritage tours of Clew Bay
Greg Kelly who is a guide on the Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail will be leading a heritage tour of Clew Bay every Tuesday over this summer season. The tours are part of Slainte Ireland tour company's summer programme. The tours begin and end in Westport and are also available in German by qualified native German speaker Constanze Dittmar. You will discover Iron Age ring forts, monastic sites, and megalithic tombs. This tour is guided by a qualified tour guide with a degree in Irish heritage studies and will offer a window into the ancient past. The tours will depart Mill Street car park in Westport on Tuesdays at 5pm from May to September, the maximum number on each tour is 12 and it costs €50 per person including transport and tour guide, and the tour takes five hours to complete. Pre-booking and confirmation is required the evening before by 8pm. For more information call (087 ) 6393307.
Healing service with Eddie Stones in Gortnor Abbey
A healing service with Eddie Stones (Emmanuel House Of Providence in Clonfert ) will take place on this Saturday (May 14 ) in Gortnor Abbey in Crossmolina. The Sacrament of Reconciliation and healing prayer, the rosary and a talk starts at 2pm. It will be followed by mass at 3.30pm. All are welcome to come and be blessed.
Mayo Organic Group
The May meeting of Mayo Organic Group will take place at Westport Woods Hotel, Quay Road (on the right as you drive out towards the Quay ), on Thursday May 19 at 8pm. There will be a gardeners and organics question time on the evening with a panel of three to four. If you have some questions prepared in advance, that would be much appreciated by panel members - so they can, if necessary, do some research - but there will the opportunity to bring other questions on the night. Any problems with pests, persistent weeds, or any queries about organic food or issues are welcome. Refreshments and networking will follow the meeting. Further information from Cleo by emailing devitohara06@gmail.com or by calling (085 ) 1754916. All are welcome to this open event, so please pass on the word.
Spirit of Knock 5K
The third annual Spirit of Knock 5k road-race/jog/walk, will take place on Saturday May 21 at 11am from Knock Community Centre. This event takes place through Knock village with routes around the grounds of Knock Shrine and Basilica. The course is officially measured with an Athletics Ireland permit granted. Chip timing will be used on the day. There will be cash prizes for the top three finishers in both the gents' and ladies' section and refreshments will be served after the race at the prize giving. All proceeds go towards Knock National School. Entry costs €10 for adults, €5 for students, and €20 for a family. For more information contact (086 ) 2938216.
Liam Lawton in Ballintubber
Liam Lawton will be in concert in Ballintubbter Abbey on Friday July 29, tickets are now available from Ballintubber Abbey Office and Downtown Records in Castlebar and Westport. Tickets cost €25, for more information call (094 ) 9030934.
Erris Agricultural Show
Erris Agricultural Show invites individuals/families to sponsor a class/classes in its 2016 show. The cost of sponsoring a class ranges from €10 - €120 per class. If you are interested in sponsoring a class contact (087 ) 3541607 or any committee member. Deadline for sponsorship of classes is Friday May 27. The show committee would like to thank all who sponsor the show every year and for their continued support. The sixth annual show takes place on Sunday July 24.
Children of Lír Festival
The Children of Lír Festival celebrates the connection between Erris and the world-famous Clann Lír legend. On the weekend of May 27 to 29, events and activities will be held in Belmullet and all over Erris. Go and celebrate - live the local legend through music, walks, food, crafts, and water adventures. This year’s family festival includes a boat trip to Inis Gluaire; an evening with seanchaí Eddie Lenihan, coasteering, arts and craft workshops, guided walks, a golf competition (for adults and juniors ), a children’s movie, and traditional music sessions in the local pubs. Find out more on www.errischamber.com or on Twitter @clannlirfest or www.facebook.com/childrenoflirfestival
Table quiz
The St Angela's NS Castlebar IT Fund will be holding a table quiz in Bosh, Castlebar, on Thursday May 26 at 9pm. Teams of four €40.
Computer and business course(s ) for unemployed adults
Swinford VTOS is hosting an open day on Thursday May 19 from 11am to 2pm for unemployed adults who may be interested in doing a computer and business course commencing in September 2016 at the Further Education Centre, Swinford. The course which leads to QQI awards at levels 4, 5 and 6 provides unemployed adults with the opportunity of returning to education, updating their skills, and improving their employment prospects. The courses are free and adults who are over 21 and in receipt of social welfare for at least six months are eligible. Participants aged 25 and under may be entitled to an additional €60 per week. Childcare support is also available. For further information contact Emer at (094 ) 9251928 or email emermullins@msletb.ie.
In the Name of God: Religion and the Republic, 1916
In the Name of God: Religion and the Republic, 1916 is a lecture taking place in St John’s Rest and Care Centre, Knock, on Saturday May 14 from 4.30pm to 5.30pm with Dr Gearóid Barry of NUI Galway. Go along to hear more about this fascinating time in Irish history. Tickets cost €10. For more information or to book, call Knock Shrine on (094 ) 93 88100 or see www.knockshrine.ie/faithrenewal
New flourish project course at the Family Centre
Do you feel like your life would be more enjoyable especially if you were to build in new interests, hobbies, and social opportunities that would interest you? The flourish project at the Family Centre is offering a six week course called Discover Your Interests. This course is for any adult who would like to explore and rediscover interests, meet new people, and find an activity he/she might like to get involved in and the steps to make that happen. You will also learn some self care techniques. The course is presented by Maura Horkan and Vivianne Maloney and runs on Wednesdays starting May 25 for six weeks from 10am to 12 noon at the Family Centre, Castlebar. This course is free of charge. Places are limited and booking is essential at (094 ) 9025900
Kickstart 1 Soccer Coach Education Course
The Football Association of Ireland is holding a Kick Start 1 Coach Education Course in Manulla FC on Saturday June 11 from 9am to 5.30pm. Participants must attend all modules of the course in order to qualify for certification. This course is designed to assist beginner coaches, parents, and teachers introduce young children (six to nine ) to fundamental warm up activities, basic activities, and fun games in a safe, structured, and stimulating environment. Course fee is €45. This course is limited to 24 participants so book early to avoid disappointment. For more information contact Paul Byrne (086 ) 8579678 or paul.byrne@fai.ie.