Mayo associations world convention to take place in Belmullet

Muintir Mhaigh Eo Atha Cliath have announced the 2016 World Convention is scheduled to take place from April 29 to the May 1 at the Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet. This event which is hosted every two years by one of the Mayo Associations globally provides the network of associations scattered across the globe an opportunity to connect, network and strengthen ties  with each other. The convention will ensure the associations continue to remain strong, vibrant, and purposeful at a time when more and more Mayo people are emigrating and building roots away from their home county and in need of support from the Mayo diaspora. The Association will officially launch the world convention for 2016 at Knock Airport this evening, Friday April 1 at 7.30 pm. Friends and supporters of the Association at home and away are cordially invited to attend the launch.

The theme of this year’s Convention is 'Mayo The Connected County'. The convention which will be officially opened by representatives of Mayo County Council on the Friday evening at Aras Inis Gluaire, Belmullet. The convention will incorporated several sessions over the weekend covering a diverse range of themes such as sustaining jobs, growth and investment in Mayo, Mayo – heartbeat of the wild Atlantic way, Global Mayo and Mayo Day initiatives, Mayo – a superior quality of life,

A range of moderators to facilitate each session from different walks of life will support the speakers at the Convention. Key note speakers who are connected in some way to the topics of discussion under the various themes will have the support of a panel to lead discussions on the topics at hand. The highlight of the convention will be the gala banquet taking place on the Saturday night in the Broadhaven Bay hotel. The banquet dinner is a black tie event and it promises to be a fantastic occasion for Mayos to mingle, socialise and dance until the early hours with musical entertainment being provided by The Brose Walsh Band.

As April 30 is Mayo Day the association plans to mark the occasion in showcasing and celebrating the best of Mayo to the attendees of the convention who represent the associations from around the world. To support the Mayo Day initiative, the convention will convey to the diaspora what it means to have Mayo heritage and be in some way connected with the county. 

To purchase tickets for the convention please visit the Mayo Association Website; .The following ticket options are provided online: a complete weekend ticket, all day Saturday events or a gala banquet only ticket.


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