Castlebar man to contest Seanad election

Castlebar native Cllr. William Lavelle, a member of South Dublin County Council representing Lucan, is to contest the Seanad elections on the Industrial and Commercial Panel.  William, who is a Fine Gael councillor, was first elected to South Dublin County Council in 2009 and was re-elected on the first count in the 2014 local elections. William is the Leader of Fine Gael Group on South Dublin County Council.

William was born and raised in Castlebar and attended Scoil Raifteiri and St. Gerald’s College. William is an architect by profession. William is a former National President of Young Fine Gael. He  is also the  Secretary of the Collins/Griffith Commemoration Committee, organising the annual Commemoration of Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith in Glasnevin Cemetery every August. He  is married to Deirdre, a native of Tipperary and has one daughter, Grace.


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