Rehab service users to perform centenary pageant next week

To engage in and to commemorate the centenary of 1916 the service users and staff of RehabCare will perform a pageant in two acts involving drama, music, dance and art entitled “..........and you shall find me unafraid“.

The pageant explores aspects of our journey as a nation through the harshness of history onto present times, where we own our stake in modern Ireland. We all want to be someone, we all want to belong, and we are all stakeholders in the Ireland that has survived, as have we. This journey extends into this show and to everyone of its people especially service users and staff at Rehab Care – investing in people and changing perspectives.

The show is produced by John Griffin and with the endless and priceless support of Mayo Art Squad. The cast is made up of attendees and staff at Rehab Care, Mayo and their friends. The production will take place in the Linenhall Arts Centre on Thursday, February 18 from 2pm to 3.30pm.


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