Read all about it! Westport to get new library

There was good news for Westport this week, with the announcement that the town was going to get a new library. The announcement was made on Tuesday, by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD.

Making the announcement Minister of State Ring said, “Funding of €1.1 million has been allocated for a new library at Westport. This will be a state of the art project and is a major boost to the town, The library will service the large population in the town, as well as schools. The new library will make a significant difference for the people of Westport and the surrounding areas and I very much welcome the allocation of funds to this worthwhile project. The Westport Library is a facility which is used widely by both young and old people and the new library will be warmly welcomed by everybody who uses the service.”

The current library in Westport is located at James Street bridge in the heart of the town, the location of the new library hasn't been announced yet.

The €1.1 million funding for a new library for Westport which has been allocated by the Department of the Environment. This is part of a €22 million investment by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government in some 16 library capital developments and the mainstreaming of the Open Libraries initiative.


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