Time running out to book your team into the Inter Business Bowling League

It is that time of year again when Mayo Leisure Point runs the Inter Business Bowling League.

This league has been running for 22 years and has proven very successful with businesses all over Mayo. Businesses are invited to enter a team of three players and one optional sub to compete on a weekly basis against other business teams in the county.

Teams can be made up of employees and friends of employees. It is a very enjoyable league for both new bowlers and experienced bowlers. It does not matter whether players have ever bowled before because all players will receive a handicap to help them along.

The entry fee is €30 per team and the league will take place throughout seven weeks. It commences Monday January 25. Each team plays once a week on whichever night suits members best. If you are looking for an alternative night out with work colleagues, why not join the league.

The closing date for entry is today, January 22.

For entry forms and further information call a member of staff on (094 ) 9025473.


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