Foxford's new waste water treatment plant will be flood protected

Mayo Fine Gael TD Michelle Mulherin said this week that she has received an assurance from Irish Water that the proposed new waste water treatment plant in Foxford will be flood protected. Deputy Mulherin has welcomed the decision by Irish Water to review its flood design assumptions for the new plant in light of the recent flooding that put the current sewerage plant in Foxford out of operation.

"After visiting the vicinity of the site with Councillor Neil Cruise, and having met with local people affected by the flooding, I contacted Irish Water who have now informed me that they are currently reviewing the flood design assumptions and, in parallel, they are also planning to have tender documents for the project completed in quarter two of this year.

"The new treatment plant is to be located at or near the existing plant which is not far from the River Moy. However, during the recent storms the current plant got flooded and the existing sewerage system for the town was out of action for some time with the local school among others having to use portaloos."

She continued: "I visited the site during the flooding with Councillor Neil Cruise and fully understand the local concern now that the new plant when constructed would be also at risk of flooding.

"I have been making those concerns known to Irish Water and have requested that they examine the situation and ensure that when the long awaited and much needed new treatment plant is built that all necessary engineering solutions are in place to mitigate against the risk of flood."

"I am now happy to report that Irish Water has taken those concerns on board and will be reviewing their plan for the new waste water treatment plant in Foxford."


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