HSE to cut Mayo community services in bid to save €2.5 million

The HSE is to cut over €2.5 million in funding for a wide range of community services in Mayo as it attempts to balance its books. In a document passed on to the Mayo Advertiser by Independent Castlebar Town Councillor Michael Kilcoyne the HSE outlines the areas it aims to cut funding for and the impacts it expects to occur as a result of them. The cuts in funding will be widespread and varied with the HSE expecting to save €375,000 by transferring patients who may be in private nursing homes paid for by a subvention from the HSE back to public facilities, which could choke up the current public facilities. It also intends to cut €46,000 from a teenage health initiative which the HSE admits may impact on sexual activity of those under 18 years of age.

The cuts are disgraceful according to Kilcoyne, “It’s a disgrace is what it is, the HSE is just cutting programmes here and there. I was given this document by a concerned citizen and when I went through it and saw what they wanted to do, I couldn’t believe it.”

A total of 36 different areas and groups will see their funding cut for the year. The capping of the Domicile Careers Allowance to six months of arrears is something that has really annoyed Kilcoyne. “The cut to the DCA was the first thing I noticed. Every parent who has a handicapped child is entitled to this, but the HSE don’t tell you and people don’t know about it until someone tells them. For some people it could be a few years before they are aware that they are entitled to it and instead of being entitled to all the allowance as they were before, the HSE want to cut it to six months arrears. That money could make a huge difference to a family who are trying to get by.”

The document outlines that a €150,000 saving in aids and appliances is being looked for this year with the predicted outcome of such a programme being the introduction of a waiting list for both aids and appliances. “They even say that this cut is going to see the introduction of a waiting list for people. So you are going to end up with someone needing a walking aid or a wheelchair and having to be put on a list to get one. Sure they could be healed or made even worse by the time they get called by the list.” The list also calls for the cutting of €339,140 from the funding for Western Care and Rehabcare. “The cutting of the funding from Western Care and Rehabcare is huge in anyone’s terms, it’s a massive cut to take in their budget and the work they carry out.”

The cut of €188,577 from the service funding for the Emmanuel Cheshire Home will lead to a serious reduction in services according to Kilcoyne.

“That would be seven or eight people’s jobs easily funded out there and if the numbers of staff decreases then so will the care,” he said. “Also there is a cut of €11,000 from the funding they give to voluntary organisations, which they admit will force them into more fundraising and possible reductions of services.”

Other funding that is facing a cut is a €30,000 cut in respite care which according to the HSE could lead to the discontinuation of respite breaks for adults.


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