Mayo Association in Dublin to hold business lunch

Mayo Association Dublin is hosting its annual business lunch at The Intercontinental Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, on Friday November 13 at 12.30pm. The cost of a place at the lunch is €60, to reserve a place send a cheque made payable to Muintir Mhaigh Eo Átha Cliath to Mr Martin Snee, Treasurer, Muintir Mhaigh Eo Átha Cliath, 3 Priory Walk, Whitehall Road, Terenure, Dublin 12, confirming the number of places to reserve.

As places at the lunch are limited and demand has been particularly high the past few years, allocations will be strictly on a first come first served basis. Regrettably, in prior years the assocation has had to turn away a number of requests. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment, apply as soon as possible


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