Food intolerance testing: lose weight, boost energy, beat the bloat

Do you find it impossible to lose weight and keep it off despite your best efforts to diet? Does everyone around you seem to eat more than you - and yet somehow end up slimmer? Do you struggle to resist carbohydrate foods such as bread, cakes, chocolate, crisps and pasta? Do most of your excess pounds sit around your tummy? Do you feel tired for much of the time, irritable and unable to focus? Do you feel bloated and sluggish?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, and you're dreading starting another well-intentioned weight loss programme that you know is doomed to failure almost before it's started - don't despair. The good news is that medical research now appears to confirm that your weight gain may not be your fault at all, but a problem with your metabolism. Even better, there is a new way, to do something about those unwanted inches that will work for you where all other diets have failed. 

Starting with a food intolerance test, this revolutionary new weight loss programme, using blood analysis to determine what foods are slowing your metabolism down and causing you to gain weight. Mrs Yvonne Duffy O’Shaughnessy aka The Raw Food Coach, takes a small sample of blood, and with the results develops a tailor made meal plan, recipes and nutritional advice specifically for you and you only. 

Yvonne explains: "Traditionally, weight loss programmes have been built on the assumption that everyone's metabolism works in the same way. And that if you monitor your calories, count fat grams, drink meal replacements, take dieting pills, or follow the diet sheet - whoever you are, you will lose weight. However, research has confirmed what many frustrated dieters have suspected for a long time: one size really does not fit all. In fact, there is now concrete evidence that many of us struggle with weight gain and have difficulty losing excess pounds not because we are lazy or failed dieters, but because we have a metabolism that doesn't quite match the textbook version.

"So what are you waiting for? Call us today to book your appointment to have your blood assessed and start a tailor-made plan just for you."

Yvonne is based in Renmore and Castlebar. She currently has a special offer where a €200 plan now €130 per person. For more information or to see testimonials log on to or or call (087 ) 0573098.


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