Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme part of OPW investment programme

Deputy Michelle Mulherin has welcomed confirmation that the Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme will be funded as part of the OPW's €430 million capital investment programme. Dep Mulherin said: "This is excellent news, I arranged for Junior Minister Simon Harris to visit Crossmolina and meet with local residents and businesses where he heard first hand the stories of destruction and devastation which visited locals when the River Deel burst its banks in 2006. The need for this scheme is something I have been pressing for some time now and I am glad to say progressing it has been a priority under this Government. The inclusion of this scheme in the Capital Investment Programme by Minister Harris will ensure it is actually delivered and built."

She continued: "Currently the OPW and its consultants are refining a preferred option for the scheme, along with the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement which will cover the effect of the scheme on aspects of life in Crossmolina, from the natural environment to its possible impact on the quality of life for the residents of the town. It is expected the formal scheme exhibition and public consultation will be held in Crossmolina. All going to plan formal confirmation for the scheme to proceed to construction stage should issue in 2016 with works to commence thereafter."

The first term Dáil deputy added: "Meanwhile plans for flood defences for Ballina are also progressing. Ballina was identified as an AFA [area of further assessment] in the Western CFRAM Study and has been deemed to be potentially at significant risk of flooding in the future. Draft flood maps have been produced. The study is now proceeding to examining all options to reduce flood risk, including both structural and non-structural measures. A public consultation day on preliminary options for flood relief measures took place in Ballina in June. Following finalisation of the mapping and assessment of appropriate flood risk management options, the final output of this important project will be an integrated flood risk management plan. The plan will set out specific measures to address significant flood risk factors in a proactive and comprehensive way."


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