Government provides €181,000 for community centres in Mayo

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said that €181,000 being provided for community centres in Mayo will be put to extremely good use. This is part of a €3.2 million funding announcement by the Department of Social Protection to support the operation of community centres and facilities for 91 not-for-profit companies nationally.

“I am delighted to see funding being provided for community centres in Mayo. Ballyheane Community Sports Club, Claremorris Social & Family Centre, Ballycastle Community Hall, Seán Duffy Community Centre in Ballina and Lacken Sports & Recreation Association will all receive funding.

“Community centres work at the heart of our community and offer a range of family and community supports. They could not operate without the financial support from the Government’s Community Services Programme (CSP ). This funding enables centres to open and supports quality services to everyone in the area.

“Activities available in community centres cater to a wide array of individuals and groups in the community ranging from pre-school children to mothers and babies groups, to active retirement clubs. Community centres provide a vital social outlet to many people in our community. This is hugely important given the issue of rural isolation. You cannot put a value on the role that community centres play in bringing members of the community together.

“The contracts I am announcing today will directly support 170 full-time positions over the coming years.  Indirectly, over 50 more people will be provided with full-time employment from resources generated from the services delivered.

“The Community Services Programme supports the provision of employment opportunities for people from disadvantaged groups by working with community organisations that operate on a community business or social enterprise basis.  Employment is targeted at people with disabilities, long-term unemployed people, travellers, lone parents and rehabilitated drug users. The programme directly supports approximately 2,700 people in employment nationally and a further 500 employees indirectly.”

Minister of State Michael Ring stated: “I warmly welcome this announcement by Minister Kevin Humphreys. These contracts will enable the provision of a broad range of services to improve the well-being of children, older people and families in disadvantaged areas or where essential services are lacking. The contracts will greatly improve the services offered by the organisations involved and aid them in the wonderful work which they carry out”.

“The Community Services Programme, together with other programmes delivered by the Department of Social Protection has played a strategic role in ensuring that these community owned facilities have the staffing resources to operate and deliver quality services” continued Minister of State Michael Ring.

The groups in Mayo who have been allocated contracts are; Ballyheane Community Sports Club Limited (€38,066 ), Claremorris Social & Family Centre Limited (€38,066 ), Ballycastle Community Hall Company Ltd. (€38,066 ), Seán Duffy Community Centre Limited, Ballina (€28,549.50 ), Lacken Sports & Recreation Association Limited (€38,066 )


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