Gardai to hand out high viz vests as part of awareness campaign

In an innovative move designed to reduce the death toll on Irish roads, all Garda cars in Mayo are to carry a stock of high-visibility vests to be given out to poorly-lit pedestrians and cyclists. "Be seen and be safe" – that is the message to all road users in Mayo as the evenings get darker. Mayo County Council is reminding pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike to make themselves more visible during the dark winter nights. High-visibility vests are to be handed out by gardaí to poorly-lit pedestrians and cyclists in Mayo as part of an initiative to reduce the county’s casualties.

The county council is urging pedestrians to wear fluorescent or bright clothing in the daytime and reflective material at night to make them more visible to drivers. At the same time, motorists are being urged to use their headlights so that not only can they see other road users but they, themselves, can be seen. Without reflective clothing or accessories a pedestrian or cyclist is only visible, in low beam headlights, from 30 metres away. By wearing or using reflective items they become visible at 150 metres, giving drivers five times the distance to notice and avoid them.

A total of 1,000 vests, provided by the Road Safety Authority, have been distributed to Garda stations across the county. Gardai on mobile patrol will hand them out to pedestrians and cyclists who are not properly visible.

Noel Gibbons, road safety officer Mayo County Council, said: “It is crucial when using the road at night-time that you are seen. As always, we urge people to wear high-visibility vests, reflective bands, and to carry a torch. Now Garda cars will also be carrying high-visibility vests that officers can give out to people they encounter on the road who are not properly lit up."

Superintendent Joe McKenna, Castlebar, said: "Already in 2015, 22 pedestrians and six pedal cyclists have been killed on roads around Ireland. We are delighted gardai are handing out the high-visibility vests because it helps to hammer home our Be Safe, Be Seen message."


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