Four months sentence for mystery Nigerian woman

Judge Mary Devins handed down a four month prison sentence to a Nigerian woman who has been through the court system on a number of occasions since she was first arrested on November 12 last year.

Edith Orumwenes pleaded guilty to not having the correct ID or travel documents when stopped by gardaí last November and was sentenced to four months in prison, but having spent three months in custody already she will only have to serve one more month.

In court Inspector Mick Murray outlined to the court the number of investigations the gardaí had carried out in an attempt to ascertain Ms Orumwenes’ name and her background in arriving in Ireland. Inspector Murray told the court that Ms Orumwenes had refused to co-operate on a on a number of occasions, on one occasion saying that she wasn’t in the mood. Inspector Murray went on to say that trying to identify the woman had caused undue delay in the case and still gardaí had not been positively able to identify her.

Judge Mary Devins told Orumwenes that normally she would release her because the maximum sentence for what she has been charged with is 12 months, but because she has done nothing to help herself she would impose a four month sentence with time already served in custody to be taken into account.


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