With prosperity we failed to find ‘inner joy’ — Archbishop Neary

During Archbishop Neary’s celebration of Mass from “nature’s Cathedral of the West”—Croagh Patrick's summit—he commented on the failure of society to find peace and faith from the recent wealth and prosperity experienced in the country and called on parishioners during the Year of Vocation to “reflect upon and pray about the call or vocation we have received”.

The Archbishop’s homily, which was also broadcast live on RTÉ for the first time, radiated the message that “it is not much about what we do but about who we are and how we live our lives”. According to the Archbishop we may have callings from God in our families, work, our communities, or to marriage, religious life or single life.

The homily also reflected on how “it’s not easy preaching the Gospel, which runs counter to a consumerist culture” and because of this supportive prayers and encouragement should be given by parishioners to those who have followed this vocation.

Finally, the Archbishop asked that young people are supported while they are trying to find their vocation in life and asked for the congregation to continue to personify their faith.


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