Partial lifting of boil water notice in Westport

Folllowing a meeting earlier today of the Outbreak Control Team dealing with the Boil Water Notice currently in place for the town of Westport, Irish Water has confirmed that an alternative supply of drinking water to certain parts of Westport is being provided by Mayo County Council. This alternative supply will allow many businesses and some householders in specific areas of the town to use water without the need to boil it, and has been approved by the HSE.

The new alternative supply, which has been taken from the Lough Mask Water Supply Scheme is supplying water to customers in Westport Town in the area north of the railway line and north of the town Greenway route. This area covers a large portion of the commercial area of Westport which has now been removed from the Boil Water Notice.

The remaining customers in all areas to the south of the Railway line and of the town Greenway including the areas listed below, continue to be supplied from the Westport Public Water Supply, and therefore remain on the Boil Water Notice. All customers in the following areas are strongly advised to continue boiling their water before use and to follow the guidance previously provided:

    •    Rosbeg, Belclare,The West road area,

    •    Sandyhill, Ballinrobe road area

    •    Monastery view, Railway walk

    •    Carrowbawn, Lankhill

    •    Leenaun Road area

    •    Aughagower

    •    Carrownalurgan

    •    Cloghans pGWS

    •    Brackloon/Bohea pGWS

    •    Cuslough pGWS

    •    Farnaught pGWS

Maps and revised notices showing the areas that have been removed from the boil water notice, areas that remain on the boil water notice, and advice for all customers are available on  and


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