Approval given for the start of works at Foxford station

Formal approval was given by the elected members of the Ballina Municipal District for a major improvement works scheme leading up to Foxford railway station.

The estimated cost of the scheme will be in the region of €250,000, and will provide footpaths and lights from the railway station to the town. The elected members of the district approved the spending of €120,000 from the general municipal allocation for the area on this project, along with other moneys including funding for community involvement schemes.

Foxford based Fine Gael councillor Neil Cruise said at Monday’s meeting of the district: “It’s a necessary piece of infrastructure most importantly for a health and safety point of view. There have been two fatalities near the station over the last few years it’s very necessary. It’s a very large project, that I would like to see progress very quickly, it’s a widely used route by tourists that might not be as familiar with the roads as the locals are.”


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