Community Diary

A round-up of community events


US Ambassador to Ireland Kevin F O'Malley, whose grandparents hailed from the Westport area, was pictured at the Mayo Peace Park, Castlebar, laying a wreath in memory of the Mayo men who served and died with the US armed forces. The visit was part of the Ambassaror's short ‘homecoming’ trip to Mayo this week. Photo: Conor McKeown.

Castlebar ICA sponsored walk

The members of Castlebar ICA are doing a sponsored walk on Monday next, April 20 in aid of Motor Neurone Disease. The walk will depart from the Aldi Car Park at 7pm. If anyone would like to take part sponsorship cards are available from any member of the guild.

Mindfulness meditation

A six-week evening course with Learning To Exhale starts in Ballinrobe on Monday, April 27 and in Foxford on Tuesday, April 28. Mindfulness is beneficial for stress, anxiety and depression. Contact Suzanne on (087 ) 192 9067.

Retired Garda Siochana members association

A coffee morning will be held by The Garda Retired Members Association on Tuesday April 21 at 11am in the Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar. All retired members and widows/widowers of retired members are invited to attend.

Claremorris Tennis Club want you to come and have a go

Claremorris Tennis Club would like to invite anyone interested in playing or learning tennis to come along on a Thursday evening club night from 8pm and have a go. Raquets and balls will be provided at no charge, just wear appropriate footwear. The club, with it's new excellent tennis courts, is able to provide beginner lessons if you want to take this further. This offer applies for April and May. Call Kevin on (087 ) 6180971 if you have any questions.

Boheh Stone Walk

The Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail is hosting a community walk and talk to the Boheh Stone tomorrow, April 18. Immerse yourself in Mayo’s pre-historic culture, and view the Boheh Stone, a unique Neolithic feature. This is a guided walk, go and join local archaeologists to hear about this site and (weather permitting ) experience the amazing “Rolling Sun” phenomenon for yourself, where the sun appears to roll down the side of Croagh Patrick at dusk. There are more details on This is a moderate walk of 2km and is open to everyone, meeting and registration at Brackloon Community Centre at 7.30pm situated 7km out the Westport/Leenane road. Brackloon is on the N59 Leenane road, south of Westport. Pass through Knappagh and just past the Liscarney crossroads, the community centre is on the left. Refreshments will be served at the community centre with a brief talk before setting off for the Boheh Stone. A cover charge of €5 will be applied. For information contact Greg or Willy at the Clogher Office on (094 ) 9030687/(094 ) 9360891 or email

Run for Boylo

The fourth annual Run for Boylo will take place in Foxford on Sunday April 26 at 12 noon. This is a 10km and 5km run/walk. There is also a 1km kids’ fun run. The run will also be part of the Mayo AC Move to Improve series, registration takes place at the Foxford Sports and Leisure Centre on Sunday April 26 from 9am to 11.30am. The entry fee is €15 for adults, €10 for u18s and €3 for the children’s run. Family rates will also be available. The event will be chip timed. To date more than €15,000 will be raised by Run for Boyle for local charities. Refreshments will be served after the event.

Erris Agricultural Show

The organising committee of the Erris Agricultural Show will host a meeting on Friday next, April 17, at 9pm in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel. New members and new ideas are always welcome. The show will take place on Sunday July 26.

Back, joint, and neck pain educational events

Two free education events for people suffering from chronic back, neck, and joint pain along with poor posture and chronic tension will take place on Saturday April 25. The first talk will take place from 11am to 12 noon in the Ballina Family Resource Centre with the second one taking place in the Foxford Woollen Mills from 1pm to 2pm. These free information talks on the Alexander Technique will be given by Michaele Wohlgemuth. For more information call (087 ) 7556558.

Car boot sale on Sunday

An indoor car boot sale will take place in Foxford Sports and Leisure Centre on Sunday, April 19 from 10.30am to 3pm. Come on down and bag some bargains.

Mayo Cancer Support

Mayo Cancer Support, Rock Rose House, is looking for women to take part in the West of Ireland Women’s Mini Marathon in Castlebar on Sunday May 3. By participating in this event you will be supporting your local cancer support services in Castlebar and Ballina. Further information, T-shirts, and sponsorship cards are available from (094 ) 9038407. Mayo Cancer Support Association provides emotional support and practical help to people living with cancer, their family, and friends. All services are provided free of charge.

Wildflowers of the wetlands

A guided nature walk entitled Wildflowers of the Wetlands will take place on Thursday April 21 commencing at 7pm. The meeting place is the Clogher Heritage Centre. Come along and enjoy The Clogher Bag Loop Walk and learn about some of the fabulous variety of wildflowers available to view right on your doorsteps. Please take nothing away with you except photos and leave nothing behind you except footprints. For more detail contact Clogher Heritage Centre at (094 ) 9030687

Seed and plant swap

Incredible Edible Charlestown, Bellaghy and Districts will be hosting a seed and plant swap, at their rescheduled meeting at 8pm on Tuesday April 21 at the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown.

Swaps are free to anyone bringing along something to swap, but do not let that stop you joining in, as for a small donation, you can participate without bringing something to swap. This will be the last indoor meet until September. Later this month and next month the group will be planting and sowing in the community space, on loan from Kitty Walsh. For more information call Cleo on (085 ) 1754916 or email

Clothes collection for Moldova

Íde Jennings from Lissatava in Hollymount is assisting Glenisland native Tom Lennon from United Christian Aid to collect a container load of clothes for Moldova. Tom Lennon will be personally distributing the container in Iasiana, Poliana, in southern Moldova. A collection will take place from 10am to 4pm outside the Garda station in Hollymount village on Saturday April 18. All clothing including men’s, women’s, and children’s is being looked for, also items like nappies, basic toiletries such as soaps and toothpaste are also appreciated. For more information contact Íde Jennings on (094 ) 9540047 or (086 ) 8311680 or Eileen Jennings on (094 ) 9540107/(086 ) 8234395.

Dementia and Alzheimer's coffee club

The Dementia and Alzheimer's coffee club is a safe, relaxed, place where everyone affected by Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or any other type of dementia can go along for free tea/coffee, scones, and friendly chat. The club will take place in The Welcome Inn Castlebar, from 10.30am to 12.30pm on the last Tuesday of every month. The next club will take place on Tuesday April 28. For more information call (086 ) 8366312 or email

The Erris Care and Repair Service

Now that summer is arriving and the sun is starting to shine, it is the time of year when we want to get started on all those little jobs we have been putting off. The Erris Care and Repair Service is available to all those aged over 60 who may need a helping hand in the garden or around the house with these little things. Grass cutting, hanging curtains, installing smoke alarms, small painting jobs, and so on.

Now in its third year, the organisers are delighted to be able to continue offering this service to help out the older and vulnerable people in the local community. So if you, or anybody you know, may need this kind of help do get in touch. This service is free and confidential and all volunteers are Garda vetted. Contact Lorraine, community officer at Áras Inis Gluaire, on (097 ) 81079 for more information or to request a job.  

If you would like an item included in next week’s Community Diary, email with your community event by 5pm on the Monday before publication.


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