Irish Cancer Society appeals to businesses to get on board and support Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day is taking place on Friday, March 27, and recently the Irish Cancer Society, along with the campaign’s lead partner, Dell Ireland, launched its appeal to companies and businesses all over Ireland to show they care by signing up to do their bit for those affected by cancer on Daffodil Day. More than 30,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and as cancer incidence grows so does demand on the Irish Cancer Society’s free national services – increasing the need for the business community and members of the public to support Daffodil Day. The overall target for Daffodil Day 2015 is €3.5 million.

Night nursing is one service funded by Daffodil Day. Last year the society was able to fulfil 96 per cent of requests for a night nurse. Seventy five per cent of cancer patients wish to die at home surrounded by family, yet only 25 per cent get to do so. The Irish Cancer Society provides the only night time care service for cancer patients in their own homes. In 2014 the society’s nurses provided 7,800 nights of care to some 1,670 patients, and this service is fully funded by the people of Ireland who consistently support the work of the society.

Not only does taking part in Daffodil Day raise money for a great cause, it is also a really fun way for staff to come together to fight back against a disease that affects every family in Ireland.

In 2014 more than 400 companies around Ireland signed up with the Irish Cancer Society to support Daffodil Day, running fundraisers in some 800 locations, raising a massive €376,000 to show that they care. A company can go yellow in many ways; Sell boxes of daffodils and Daffodil Day merchandise in your building, arrange a fundraising event in your office, volunteer some time on Daffodil Day. If you would like further details on how you can become involved in Daffodil Day, contact the corporate team on (01 ) 231 6625 or email: [email protected].


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