Turlough talk on history of women in Irish policing

Garda Commissioner Noirín O’Sullivan is to deliver a talk in Turlough on the role women have played as members of An Garda Síochána since 1959.

Commissioner O’Sullivan will speak next Friday (February 27 ) at 7pm in the National Museum of Ireland - Country Life in Turlough Park.

Despite being established in 1922 as the Civic Guard, female recruits were only admitted to An Garda Síochána from 1959.

That same year, 400 gardaí were recruited to the force but only 12 were female.

Commissioner O’Sullivan will describe the challenging but ultimately successful journey of women through An Garda Síochána since that time, providing her own personal insight into the issue, having risen from the position of ban garda when she joined the force in 1981 to being appointed the first female Garda Commissioner in November 2014, more than 30 years later.

The talk forms part of the National Museum’s public programme of events to enhance the temporary exhibition Preserving the Peace: Policing on the Island of Ireland 1814-2014 and is anticipated to be extremely popular. Booking is required.

Contact the booking office on (094 ) 9031751 or email [email protected].


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