Appetite for Irish property set to continue

Sherry FitzGerald, Ireland’s leading estate agency, will once again bring its Irish Property Show to London on Saturday February 21. At the event which will be held in Millennium Gloucester Hotel from 11am to 4pm, it will be displaying a sample of properties from all across Ireland and giving UK purchasers an opportunity to meet property professionals from several of its offices across the country in one day, and in one location.

Mary Dillon, head of Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide, said: “Ireland has moved on since the global downturn in 2007. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Irish property market where prices, having fallen from an all-time high in 2006 by as much as 60 per cent to a marked recovery that started with price stabilisation in 2012 and price recovery in 2013 continuing through to today.

“Over the difficult years of the global recession we continued to promote Irish property in Ireland and abroad, and in 2015 we will continue to do this with our London Property Show - an event that will showcase the very best of Irish property from all over the country.”

She concluded, saying: “Our property showcase will promote property to buyers from all over the UK, and especially London, to a purchaser market that includes investors who see the opportunity and value in the Irish property market together with Irish people living in the UK who may return home in the coming years but can buy now and avail of value coupled with rental return in the intervening period.”


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