Castlebar therapist launches ‘dream wisdom’ book

A Castlebar-based psychotherapist has launched a new book examining a topic which has long been a source of great debate, from ancient cultures right up to modern day scientific research - the meaning and function of our dreams.

Kathleen Duffy, originally from Westport, is well known throughout Ireland for her popular workshops on dreams and their meanings and messages.

Now, she has launched the book, Awaken to the Wisdom of Your Dreams, Mirrors in the River, to help more people to tap into what she believes is the great wisdom and knowledge contained within our dreams.

The book launch is to feature on next week’s episode of Mayo County Matters on Irish TV.  

According to Ms Duffy, dreaming is a very important function of the mind.

Many ancient cultures attributed great significance to the portents and prophecies they believed were relayed to them in their dreams.

However, in a modern technological age, we are running the risk of ignoring that very basic, yet valuable, source of knowledge which comes direct from our inner psyche, says Ms Duffy.

“The function of our dreams is to guide, warn, and protect us. They connect our unconscious mind with our conscious mind and act as a bridge to integrate those two realms,” she explained.

“With modern technology at our fingertips, we have access to all sorts of global information. We have reached the moon and other planets and are looking for still more knowledge.

“Yet, even as we expand our search in the outer dimension, we run the risk of moving further away from the rich inner wisdom that is freely available to us, coming nightly from our souls via our dreams.”

Awaken to the Wisdom of Your Dreams is an interesting exploration of the meaning of dreams and a guide to finding and analysing the knowledge of our dreaming mind.

The book, published by Covey Publishing, is on sale now.

Kathleen Duffy features on Mayo County Matters next Tuesday at 7.30pm on Irish TV. The programme can be watched on Sky channel 191, eVision 191, Freesat 400, free to air boxes, and online at


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