How to develop a sales strategy

Growing a Sales Strategy will be the first topic for 2015 at the Inc60 network. Making sales can be very difficult for a business and can often be very time consuming. Patrick Taggart will talk about the sales processes and give a step by step guide on how to achieve sales effectively and efficiently. This short talk will be followed by a questions and answers session.

This event will take place on Friday, January 30 at 9.30am at the GMIT Innovation Hub in Castlebar.  Having a well thought out sales strategy in place is so important for both early start-up business and to more established businesses. Inc60 is a fresh new gathering for businesses and all in just 60 minutes. It is run by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. If you own a business or are thinking of setting one up then Inc60 is for you.

Patrick Taggart MA (HRM ), chartered FCIPD has been a director at Odissy Ltd since 2008 and previously worked in HR, sales and consultancy roles in a number of public and private organisations including The Royal Mail, The Alliance and Leicester, RS Components, and Coventry University.

His expertise in the area of ROI and evaluation, organisational development, and business improvement has helped dozens of organisations to transform their approach to staff development and generate a profit from their training budget. A joint author of the recent return on investment text From the Happy Sheet to the Bottom Line, which teaches organisations how to deliver excellent bottom line results from their training budget. It highlights successful case studies in leadership, change management, and coaching and has received excellent reviews from international experts, including Peter Honey and Jack Phillips.

A regular speaker at CIPD and World of Learning conferences, and inventor of a world class software system Odissy which helps organisations to embed learning, automate evaluation reports, and efficiently manage their return on investment challenges.

The event will take place on Friday January 30 at 9.30am in the GMIT Innovation Hub in Mayo for 60 minutes, followed by refreshments, and networking after. Inc60 is free of charge and all people are welcome in particular business owners or people thinking of starting a business etc.


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