Student Career Manager — helping students make informed choices

They used to say “Opportunity knocks”. They don’t say that much any more. The new rule for opportunity is you have to get it. You have to plan your own future. You have to know where you want to go. And you have to know how you are going to get there.

Never has making decisions around subject choice, college, and career planning been so important. In this current climate, it is especially important for secondary school students to be laying firm foundations for their future career-path. The options available to each are numerous and the right choice plays a very important role in shaping the destiny and career of the student.

Not everyone is cut out for college life and that is OK. If the student prefers to move directly into work, how does he/she decide which jobs to apply for? How should the CV look to get the best attention? The world of work is so different from school, and the transition process can be frightening. Preparing for and succeeding at interviews in today’s competitive environment often requires specialist help.

All secondary school students will have access to a guidance counsellor who can help them make career decisions, however these teachers may not have the time to give each student the individual attention required to help him/her make personally suitable and realistic career decisions. As a result, some students will end up making subject, course, or job selections that really aren’t for them.

CareerVision offers one to one career counselling to help students discover their true potential and interest in various subjects in order to help them choose the right career. Students complete the latest on-line career assessments, which require absolutely no preparation, and then meet face-to-face with a professionally trained career guidance counsellor where they can receive guidance on recommended routes to achieve their goals. The advice and counselling provided is based on a number of deciding factors — personality, interests, skills, subjects, etc. The counsellor is trained in administering tests that determine the aptitude and skills of a student, his/her personality traits and subjects/career paths of interest. And each student leaves with a written summary report.

Wouldn’t the small cost of such a service be worth a lifetime of career value?

CareerVision is one of Ireland’s leading career management organisations with a mission to work hand in hand with people at all levels and stages of their careers, to help them recognise their talent, discover and address their development needs, achieve their goals and fulfil their potential.

Student Career Manager was set up in response to the growing needs of parents and students to provide individualised help in making suitable study/career choices.

For further information call Karen on 086 171 2051 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit


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