Calleary hits out at Government inaction in Mayo

Fianna Fáil TD for Mayo Dara Calleary says he is extremely concerned about investment opportunities in the country following the release of IDA figures, which reveal there was only one site visit organised by the agency responsible for attracting foreign direct investment in Mayo this year. The data has found that there have only been five site visits in Mayo since 2011, compared to more than 1,300 visits nationally.

Deputy Calleary commented: “This figures are further proof that job creation in Mayo is slipping further down the political agenda. In 2013, there were a mere three IDA sponsored site visits in the county, but to date this year there has only been one. Mayo is being left behind as the Government concentrates investment opportunities in Dublin, Leinster, and the cities. Rural areas are being overlooked. Reports of a recovery are not being felt here in Mayo. People here are the victims of the Government’s flawed economic strategy, which has led to the emergence of a two tier recovery. There were almost 11,000 people on the Live Register in Mayo last month but ministers are continuing to ignore the situation here, a fact which is reflected in the low number of IDA backed site visits.”

The Ballina based opposition TD continued: “IDA investment has the potential to rejuvenate communities and reinvigorate the local economy. Towns across Mayo have suffered disproportionately as a result of the economic downturn and need outside investment to activate and sustain a viable recovery.

“Fianna Fáil has called for a more coherent policy of balanced regional development. Since this Government took office there has been very little development west of the Shannon. It cannot continue to support urban-only policies, while leaving rural Ireland languishing behind without investment. The Government must urgently reassess its strategy. It should be providing more opportunities for young people in Mayo instead of forcing them to head to the capital or further afield in order to secure a job.”


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