Spinning, pilates, teen bootcamp and more

There is a new timetable of classes available to non-members at Castle Leisure Club this May. Parent and toddler swim sessions The next parent and baby/toddler swim classes will be starting on Friday morning, May 16. Classes for children aged one to three years is from 11 to 11.30 am.

Classes for babies up to one year is from 11.30 am to 12 noon. This class is a water awareness and water confidence session. The class is designed to improve confidence in both parent and baby. Through a fun and relaxed environment, babies will learn movement in the water and parents can develop the skills necessary to promote their baby’s confidence. Classes are open to mums and dads with kids under three years of age.

Spinning Spinning classes for non-members will re-commence on Monday, May 12, at at 7.15 pm and also on Wednesday, May 14, at 7.15 pm. Classes are booked in six-week sessions, costing €48. Suitable for beginners and people who have tried it before, spinning burns serious calories (about 450 in 45 minutes ) and offers a great aerobic workout that gets the heart beating faster. This spinning course will be given by qualified spinning onstructors on the original Schwinn spinning bikes.

Pilates Castle Leisure Club has been running very successful pilates classes for over nine years. The next session of pilates classes starts on Wednesday, May 14, at 6.30 pm for beginners and at 7.30 pm for improvers. There are also morning classes, starting on Friday, May 16, at 9.30 am, which may suit parents who have just dropped their children to school.

Each course is booked in a six-week session. Pilates helps to strengthen and tone muscle, improve posture, improve co-ordination, provide flexibility and balance and relieve stress and tension. Teen spinning/bootcamp Teen spinning classes with bootcamp are starting on Thursday, May 15, at 4.15 pm. Whether to lose weight, get in shape or build strenght, the class caters for all fitness levels.

The classes run over a six-week programme. More The very popular aqua fit classes on a Wednesday evening at 7 pm are open to non-members as well as members. The classes cost €30 for a six-week course or, alternatively, pay per class. A flexibility course is also running which may appeal to those who suffer with back problems, poor core strength, poor flexibility or maybe want to improve their flexibility. The course is excellent for anyone suffering with stiffness and given by the highly qualified John Brawn. It takes place on Thursday mornings at 10 am and costs €50 for a six-week course or pay per weekly class. For details on any of the classes available to non-members at Castle Leisure Club, Mayo Leisure Point, Castlebar, telephone (094 ) 90 26749. Castle Leisure Club also offers three, six and 12 month gym membership with free classes included, free personalised fitness assessment and free personalised fitness programme. Find Castle Leisure Club on Facebook or visit www.castleleisureclub.ie .

For more info please call Castle Leisure Club on (094 ) 90 26749


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