One stop shop for divorce or separation in weeks

Couples throughout the country whose marriages have broken down can divorce or separate through mediation saving several thousand euro on legal fees in the process. Galway Divorce and Separations is a new one-stop shop based at Unit 28 Orchard House, Glenrock Business Park, Ballybane, Galway, where couples can obtain a decree divorce or judicial separation in a few short weeks from the courts, and all without either or both spouses engaging solicitors or barristers to represent them.

Galway Divorce and Separations guides the couple through the mediation process as the alternative method to reach and agree terms of their divorce or separation, compared to a long drawn out court battle between the spouses, going nowhere fast and getting more expensive by the day. Galway Divorce and Separations’ qualified mediator assists both husband and wife to reach their terms of agreement, divide up the matrimonial assets and liabilities, access and custody of the children, maintenance to be paid by who, when, and much more. This is carried out in an office environment which is private and confidential, compared to spouses meeting the legal profession in the foyer or on the steps of the courthouse in full view of the general public.

When the couple agrees the terms of their divorce or separation, the mediator draws up a contract known as a memorandum of agreement, the couple’s signatures are witnessed by the mediator. The war is now over between the spouses, the white flag can be raised as it were. There does not have to be winners or losers, and common sense prevails. Galway Divorce and Separations also prepares all the documentation for court for a decree of divorce or a judicial separation, which can be granted in a matter of weeks, and all without turning your cash into ashes. Although based in Galway it offers couples nationwide who want an express and cost effective divorce or separation. website is Contact Galway Divorce and Separations on 0873 727283.


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