Council votes against power line under grounding plan

A proposal to have all 400kv power lines under grounded included in the new Mayo County Council development plan fell at a vote (12-10, with nine councillors absent for the vote ) at a special meeting of the council today.

Sinn Fein Cllr Gerry Murray proposed to have the item inserted as an amendment to the manger's report.

He pointed out that, as there is no Government policy in place at present, the council could insert the proposal in the plan and when the Government policy was formulated following the results of the commission, chaired by Judge Carherine McGuiness, the Minister with responsibility for the sector could change the plan as it is on their gift.

Cllr Murray's proposal was seconded by Cllr Rose Conway Walsh and received string backing from Cllr Seamus Weir. More to follow in Friday's paper.


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