Move to improve getting ready to go to the tape


The first race in Mayo AC's new 2014 Move 2 Improve series is the Kilmovee 10k tomorrow April 19 at 1pm. The club are delighted that the new series will be sponsored by C and C Cellular, continuing its involvement with the club over the past nine years. The Move 2 Improve series consists of six races - four 10km, and two 8km, all independently organised events with accurately measured courses, permits from Athletics Ireland and their own prize structures. John Roddy and his team have worked hard to make Kilmovee 10k one of the best organised events in the country, and its popularity has grown immensely in a short time - this will be its fifth year. You will enjoy a big welcome, a traffic free course, chip timing, and wholesome refreshments afterwards before the prizegiving at the Community Centre. Details of the event are available at As the name suggests, the Move 2 Improve series is focused mainly on those who have taken up the sport in recent years, who are looking to achieve new levels of performance. Many will have taken up the sport through Fit4Life and other local initiatives. Others will have an opportunity to experience races in the company of their peers, make new friends and generally have fun. The series is open to all. Mayo AC hopes this new format will offer opportunities and incentives for all participants to measure, improve, and achieve their goals through personal best times, and move to a new Level. Full details of the Move 2 Improve series are at


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