Belcarra native brings 19 tech jobs to Castlebar

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny is in Castlebar this morning (Friday ) to announce the creation of 19 new technology jobs in a leading cloud computing company.

The managing director and co-founder of the company, CloudStrong, is Oliver Surdival, from Belcarra.

CloudStrong was founded in 2011 and this jobs announcement sees the company triple their workforce with new roles in technical, sales and marketing.

It provides cloud solutions and expertise to clients in Ireland, the UK, Scandanavia, the US, and the Gulf Region.

Mr Surdival said he anticipates the number of jobs at the company will continue to increase significantly, to as many as 50 employees, as they continue to expand.

“We are a market leader in the cloud sector in Ireland,” he explained. “We are working on expanding our markets across Europe and we have been quite successful in doing that.”

Mr Surdival said he believes Castlebar has all the right ingredients to become a centre for the technology sector.

“There’s no reason at all, if the right supports are there, that Castlebar and the Mayo region can’t become a cluster for the sector,” he said. “Castlebar has a lot of the right people, in terms of the graduates from GMIT, who can fill these positions.”

Mr Kenny congratulated CloudStrong on its success and welcomed the new jobs announcement for Castlebar.

“It is hugely encouraging to see an Irish technology company like CloudStrong creating new jobs in the west. It is good news for the local region and it is also good news for the fast-growing cloud computing sector,” he outlined.

Mr Surdival has worked in ICT (information and communications technology ) for 15 years.

Cloud computing, which allows people to store and access data, services, and programmes over the internet rather than from their computer’s hard-drive, is one of the fastest growing areas in the technology sector.


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