Gardai renew appeal in relation to fatal shooting in Castlebar

Gardai in Castlebar this week renewed their appeal for witnesses to a fatal shooting incident which occurred at the Top Oil service station on the Moneen road on the east side of the town before Christmas.

Twenty-eight-year-old Owen Maughan was gunned down in the attack which took place at 3.30pm on the afternoon of Wednesday December 18 on the petrol station forecourt, and was pronounced dead at 8pm that evening in Mayo General Hospital. Gardai carried out a technical examination of the scene after the incident and in the days after. Mr Maughan was the fourth eldest of seven sons and had been married for eight years. Owen was the third brother in his family to have been shot last year, after an earlier incident at same petrol station and another one at the Castlegrove estate in the town, neither of the other two shooting incidents resulted in serious injury.

Gardai are seeking information in relation to 3.3 litre diesel BMW 330 touring car which is graphite grey in colour. It is believed the car sped off in the direction of Balla after the shooting. Gardai are appealing to anyone who may have seen the car or witnessed anything that may be able to assist the Gardai in their investigation of the incident. If anyone has any information he/she is asked to call the Castlebar Garda Station on 094 9038200 or the Garda confidential line on 1800-666-111.


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