Barrett welcomes news on New Line CPO

Cllr Harry Barrett this week has welcomed the decision of Castlebar Town Council to press ahead early in the New Year with a Compulsory Purchase Order, (CPO ) to acquire a property that is holding up the upgrade of the Newline Junction in Castlebar.

“This junction continues to be a major pain for people living on the north side of the town, with children in particular having to walk out onto the road to access the path from Davitt's Terrace onto Newline,” said Cllr Barrett. “I had asked again about progress in developing the junction and the road itself and am delighted to hear that a CPO will be issued to deal with the hold-up that is preventing the entire development going ahead. It is expected that the project will proceed apace after this is sorted and people will be able to enjoy a new path, widened road junction and an easier drive through Newline to access local schools.”


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