O’Mahony urges people to shop locally this Christmas to protect jobs and stimulate local economy

Mayo Fine Gael TD John O'Mahony has urged people to shop locally this Christmas to protect jobs and stimulate local economies. The second term Dáil Deputy said this week, “There’s no question that these are challenging times for local traders, despite their resilience and innovation. That is why I’m appealing to people, now more than ever, to shop locally this Christmas. By doing so, it will help to create and maintain jobs in towns and villages across Mayo. The important message must get out there at this time of year that local businesses are the largest employers in Ireland; they are the backbone of our economy so all of us should support them as much as possible. It’s also important to note that by spending your money locally, businesses will be more likely to utilise other local services and suppliers. So the money you spend is re-invested in other local businesses, helping them to grow and develop.”

He continued: “We must also remember that staff working in local towns and villages generally live in the community too, so they are more likely to spend their wages locally on goods and services. Additionally, there is also a clear environmental benefit from shopping locally. Businesses in towns and villages are all located within walking distance of each other, helping to create an environment which has a much friendlier carbon footprint than the large shopping centres.”

He concluded by saying: “So now that the Christmas festivities are getting under way, I cannot emphasise enough the importance of buying local products and services in order to strengthen local economies and help communities preserve their identity."


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