Homecare Medical job cuts a major blow to east Mayo — Calleary

Fianna Fáil spokesperson on jobs Dara Calleary has said the news of 80 job losses at Homecare Medical Supplies comes as a major blow to east Mayo.

The Irish-based company has been forced to axe 80 positions, including 65 in Kiltimagh and 15 in Ballyhaunis, having lost an important HSE contract.

“My thoughts are with the workers and management at Homecare Medical at this extremely difficult time. This comes as a terrible blow to them and their families, particularly in the weeks leading up to Christmas,” said Deputy Calleary.

He added: “Homecare Medical is a valued employer in Kiltimagh and Ballyhaunis. The loss of these jobs will unfortunately have a significant impact on the local economy, at a time when the east Mayo region can least afford it. It’s my understanding that the company has been forced to pursue these redundancies because it will lose an important contract with the HSE from the end of January.”

Fianna Fáil councillor Blackie Gavin also expressed his shock at the news this week, saying, “The loss of 50 jobs in Kiltimagh and a further 15 in Ballyhaunis was a body blow to the region, especially at a time of severe recession and falling incomes.” He continued, “Of all the towns in Mayo, Kiltimagh has done more than most to keep itself afloat against the tide of recession. This latest news is a stunning blow to the town and its hinterland.”

The Castlebar based councillor went on to call for the Taoiseach to get involved saying, "Enda Kenny owes it to east Mayo to step in and use his authority to ensure that the HSE contract which Homecare depended on is not lost, and that these 50 employees and their families will not have to face the hardship of the dole queue."

Deputy Calleary said: “I will be seeking to raise this issue in the Dáil at the earliest possible opportunity this week. Everything must be done to ensure that the staff affected are given every support possible as they seek alternative work. The company must also be supported in keeping its doors open and creating further employment into the future.”


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